Plecs { Name "TPI_demo_example_plecs" Version "4.7" CircuitModel "ContStateSpace" StartTime "0.0" TimeSpan "0.1" Timeout "" Solver "radau" MaxStep "1e-3" InitStep "-1" FixedStep "1e-3" Refine "1" ZCStepSize "1e-9" RelTol "1e-3" AbsTol "-1" TurnOnThreshold "0" SyncFixedStepTasks "2" UseSingleCommonBaseRate "1" LossVariableLimitExceededMsg "3" NegativeSwitchLossMsg "3" DivisionByZeroMsg "1" StiffnessDetectionMsg "2" MaxConsecutiveZCs "1000" AlgebraicLoopWithStateMachineMsg "3" AssertionAction "1" InitializationCommands "%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%" "%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%\n% Product Note PN?\n% Parameters for the 'TPI8032 op" "en-loop test'\n% Copyright imperix ltd, 2023\n%\n%%%%%%%%%%%%%" "%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%\n\n%%%%%%%%%%%" "%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%\n%% SYSTEM P" "ARAMETERS\n%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%" "%%%%%%%%%\n\nSwitchingFreq = 50e3; % Switching frequency [Hz]\nDead" "time = 500e-9; % Deadtime [s]\n\nf_clk0 = SwitchingFreq;\n\nCont" "rolFreq = SwitchingFreq; % Control frequency [Hz]\nControlPeriod = 1/Contr" "olFreq; % Control period [s]\n\nSamplingPhase = 0.5; % Sampling p" "hase [-]\n" InitialState "1" SystemState "" TaskingMode "1" TaskConfigurations "" CodeGenParameterInlining "2" CodeGenFloatingPointFormat "2" CodeGenAbsTimeUsageMsg "3" CodeGenBaseName "" CodeGenOutputDir "" CodeGenExtraOpts "" CodeGenTarget "Generic" CodeGenTargetSettings "" ExtendedMatrixPrecision "1" MatrixSignificanceCheck "2" EnableStateSpaceSplitting "2" DisplayStateSpaceSplitting "1" DiscretizationMethod "2" ExternalModeSettings "" AlgebraicLoopMethod "1" AlgebraicLoopTolerance "1e-6" ScriptsDialogGeometry "[1084 579 446 243]" ScriptsDialogSplitterPos "95" Schematic { Location [15, 95; 501, 307] ZoomFactor 1 SliderPosition [0, 0] ShowBrowser off BrowserWidth 100 Component { Type Subsystem Name "Plant" Show on Position [315, 80] Direction up Flipped off LabelPosition south Frame [-60, -40; 60, 40] TreatAsAtomicUnit on SampleTime "-1" CodeGenDiscretizationMethod "2" CodeGenTarget "PLECS RT Box 1" CodeGenTargetSettings "AAAAfwAAAAAlUU1hcDxRU3RyaW5nLFFNYXA8UVN0cmluZyxRU" "3RyaW5nPiA+AAAAAAEAAAAcAFAATABFAEMAUwAgAFIAVAAgAEIAbwB4ACAAMQAAABYAAAAeAHMAeQ" "BuAGMAaAByAG8AbgBpAHoAZQBUAGkAbQBlAAAAAgAwAAAAGABzAHQAYQByAHQAdQBwAFMARgBQAF8" "ARAAAAAIAMAAAABgAcwB0AGEAcgB0AHUAcABTAEYAUABfAEMAAAACADAAAAAYAHMAdABhAHIAdAB1" "AHAAUwBGAFAAXwBCAAAAAgAwAAAAGABzAHQAYQByAHQAdQBwAFMARgBQAF8AQQAAAAIAMAAAABoAc" "wBhAG0AcABsAGkAbgBnAEQAZQBsAGEAeQAAAAIAMAAAABgAbQBhAHgAXwBvAHYAZQByAHIAdQBuAH" "MAAAACADUAAAASAG0AYQBzAHQAZQByAFMARgBQAAAAAgAxAAAAJABkAGkAZwBpAHQAYQBsAE8AdQB" "0AHAAdQB0AEwAZQB2AGUAbAAAAAIAMQAAABAAYwBhAG4AMgBUAHgAUgB4AAAAAgAxAAAAHgBjAGEA" "bgAyAFQAZQByAG0AaQBuAGEAdABpAG8AbgAAAAIAMgAAABQAYwBhAG4AMgBFAG4AYQBiAGwAZQAAA" "AIAMAAAABAAYwBhAG4AMgBCAGEAdQBkAAAADAA1ADAAMAAwADAAMAAAABAAYwBhAG4AMQBUAHgAUg" "B4AAAAAgAxAAAAHgBjAGEAbgAxAFQAZQByAG0AaQBuAGEAdABpAG8AbgAAAAIAMgAAABQAYwBhAG4" "AMQBFAG4AYQBiAGwAZQAAAAIAMAAAABAAYwBhAG4AMQBCAGEAdQBkAAAADAA1ADAAMAAwADAAMAAA" "ABwAYQBuAGEAbABvAGcAUwBhAG0AcABsAGkAbgBnAAAAAgAxAAAAIgBhAG4AYQBsAG8AZwBPAHUAd" "ABwAHUAdABSAGEAbgBnAGUAAAACADQAAAAgAGEAbgBhAGwAbwBnAEkAbgBwAHUAdABSAGEAbgBnAG" "UAAAACADEAAAAaAFQAQQBSAEcARQBUAF8ARABFAFYASQBDAEUAAAAwAHIAdABiAG8AeAAtADIAMAB" "iADAAZgA3ADAANAA1AGIAOQAyAC4AbABvAGMAYQBsAAAAGgBFAFgAVABFAFIATgBBAEwAXwBNAE8A" "RABFAAAAAgAx" CodeGenOutputDir "C:/Imperix/Workspaces/AN006_PV3/plant" ExternalModeSettings "AAAAfwAAAAAWUU1hcDxRU3RyaW5nLFFTdHJpbmc+AAAAAAcAAA" "AYAFQAcgBpAGcAZwBlAHIAVgBhAGwAdQBlAAAABAAxADIAAAAYAFQAcgBpAGcAZwBlAHIARABlAGw" "AYQB5AAAACgAtADIAMAAwADAAAAAcAFQAcgBpAGcAZwBlAHIAQwBoAGEAbgBuAGUAbAAAAAIANwAA" "ABYAUwBlAG4AcwBpAHQAaQB2AGkAdAB5AAAAAgAwAAAAFgBSAGUAZgByAGUAcwBoAFIAYQB0AGUAA" "AAEADIAMAAAABQATgB1AG0AUwBhAG0AcABsAGUAcwAAAAgANAAwADAAMAAAABQARABlAGMAaQBtAG" "EAdABpAG8AbgAAAAIAMg==" MaskDisplayLang "2" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque off MaskIconRotates on Terminal { Type Input Position [-60, 0] Direction left Index "1" } Terminal { Type Output Position [64, -10] Direction right Index "1" } Terminal { Type Output Position [64, 10] Direction right Index "2" } Terminal { Type Output Position [64, 0] Direction right Index "3" } Schematic { Location [113, 152; 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1952, 1152] State "AAAA/wAAAAD9AAAAAgAAAAEAAAAAAAAAAPwCAAAAA/sAAAAQAFoAb" "wBvAG0AQQByAGUAYQAAAAAA/////wAAAIQA////+wAAABQAUwBhAHYAZQBkAFYAaQBlAHcAcwAAAA" "AA/////wAAAGYA////+wAAAAwAVAByAGEAYwBlAHMAAAAAAP////8AAABmAP///wAAAAMAAAAAAAA" "AAPwBAAAAAfsAAAAUAEQAYQB0AGEAVwBpAGQAZwBlAHQAAAAAAP////8AAABQAP///wAABoIAAAPS" "AAAABAAAAAQAAAAIAAAACPwAAAABAAAAAgAAAAEAAAAOAFQAbwBvAGwAQgBhAHIBAAAAAP////8AA" "AAAAAAAAA==" SavedViews "AAAAAgAAAAA=" HeaderState "AAAA/wAAAAAAAAABAAAAAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAL/gMAAAAJA" "AAACQAAAGQAAAAIAAAAZAAAAAUAAABkAAAABAAAAGQAAAAHAAAAZAAAAAYAAABkAAAAAQAAAGQAAA" "ADAAAAZAAAAAIAAABkAAABAQAAAAsBAAABAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAZP////8AAACBAAAAAAAAAAsAAAD" "dAAAAAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAQAAAAAA" "AAAAAAAAAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAQAAA" "AAAAAAkAAAAAQAAAAAAAAPoAAAAACQ=" PlotPalettes "AAAAAQAAAAEAAAABAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" "QAAAAEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAABAAAAAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" "AAAA==" Axes "3" TimeRange "0" ScrollingMode "1" SingleTimeAxis "1" Open "0" Ts "-1" SampleLimit "0" XAxisLabel "" ShowLegend "1" Axis { Name "" AutoScale 1 MinValue 0 MaxValue 1 Signals {} SignalTypes [ ] Untangle 0 KeepBaseline off BaselineValue 0 } Axis { Name "" AutoScale 1 MinValue 0 MaxValue 1 Signals {} SignalTypes [ ] Untangle 0 KeepBaseline off BaselineValue 0 } Axis { Name "" AutoScale 1 MinValue 0 MaxValue 1 Signals {} SignalTypes [ ] Untangle 0 KeepBaseline off BaselineValue 0 } Fourier { SingleXAxis on AxisLabel "Frequency" Scaling 0 PhaseDisplay 0 ShowFourierLegend off Axis { Name "" AutoScale 1 MinValue 0 MaxValue 1 Signals {} Untangle 0 KeepBaseline off BaselineValue 0 } Axis { Name "" AutoScale 1 MinValue 0 MaxValue 1 Signals {} Untangle 0 KeepBaseline off BaselineValue 0 } Axis { Name "" AutoScale 1 MinValue 0 MaxValue 1 Signals {} Untangle 0 KeepBaseline off BaselineValue 0 } } } Component { Type Resistor Name "Rg3" Show off Position [50, 120] Direction up Flipped on LabelPosition east Parameter { Variable "R" Value "0.2" Show off } } Component { Type Resistor Name "Rg4" Show off Position [50, 185] Direction up Flipped on LabelPosition east Parameter { Variable "R" Value "0.2" Show off } } Component { Type Output Name "Vdc_meas" Show on Position [705, 40] Direction right Flipped off LabelPosition south Parameter { Variable "Index" Value "2" Show on } Parameter { Variable "Width" Value "-1" Show off } } Component { Type Output Name "V_meas" Show on Position [705, 100] Direction right Flipped off LabelPosition south Parameter { Variable "Index" Value "3" Show on } Parameter { Variable "Width" Value "-1" Show off } } Component { Type Output Name "I_meas" Show on Position [705, 70] Direction right Flipped off LabelPosition south Parameter { Variable "Index" Value "4" Show on } Parameter { Variable "Width" Value "-1" Show off } } Component { Type From Name "From3" Show off Position [470, 45] Direction right Flipped off LabelPosition south Parameter { Variable "Tag" Value "Vdc_meas" Show off } Parameter { Variable "Visibility" Value "2" Show off } } Component { Type From Name "From4" Show off Position [470, 60] Direction right Flipped off LabelPosition south Parameter { Variable "Tag" Value "V_meas" Show off } Parameter { Variable "Visibility" Value "2" Show off } } Component { Type From Name "From5" Show off Position [470, 75] Direction right Flipped off LabelPosition south Parameter { Variable "Tag" Value "I_meas" Show off } Parameter { Variable "Visibility" Value "2" Show off } } Component { Type Voltmeter Name "Vm1" Show off Position [75, 150] Direction up Flipped off LabelPosition west } Component { Type Reference SrcComponent "Components/Electrical/Power Modules/HB1" Name "Phase A" Show on Position [220, 150] Direction up Flipped off LabelPosition west Frame [-20, -50; 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\nThree-phase voltage" " source inverter built with TPI 8032 (open-loop)
\n(c)" " Imperix Switzerland 2023
" Position [415, 420] } Annotation { Name "\nADC aquisition bloc" "ks
" Position [130, 445] } Annotation { Name "\nPWM modulators with" "
\ntriangular carrier
" Position [805, 285] } Annotation { Name "\nAC precharge circui" "t control
" Position [805, 400] } } } Component { Type SignalDemux Name "Demux1" Show off Position [100, 80] Direction right Flipped on LabelPosition south Parameter { Variable "Width" Value "7" Show off } } Component { Type SignalMux Name "Mux" Show off Position [395, 80] Direction right Flipped off LabelPosition south Parameter { Variable "Width" Value "[1 3 3]" Show off } } Connection { Type Signal SrcComponent "Mux" SrcTerminal 1 Points [410, 80; 410, 140; 75, 140; 75, 80] DstComponent "Demux1" DstTerminal 1 } Connection { Type Signal SrcComponent "Plant" SrcTerminal 2 DstComponent "Mux" DstTerminal 2 } Connection { Type Signal SrcComponent "Demux1" SrcTerminal 2 DstComponent "Controller" DstTerminal 1 } Connection { Type Signal SrcComponent "Demux1" SrcTerminal 3 DstComponent "Controller" DstTerminal 3 } Connection { Type Signal SrcComponent "Demux1" SrcTerminal 4 DstComponent "Controller" DstTerminal 4 } Connection { Type Signal SrcComponent "Demux1" SrcTerminal 5 DstComponent "Controller" DstTerminal 5 } Connection { Type Signal SrcComponent "Demux1" SrcTerminal 6 DstComponent "Controller" DstTerminal 6 } Connection { Type Signal SrcComponent "Demux1" SrcTerminal 7 DstComponent "Controller" DstTerminal 7 } Connection { Type Signal SrcComponent "Demux1" SrcTerminal 8 DstComponent "Controller" DstTerminal 8 } Connection { Type Signal SrcComponent "Controller" SrcTerminal 2 DstComponent "Plant" DstTerminal 1 } Connection { Type Signal SrcComponent "Plant" SrcTerminal 4 DstComponent "Mux" DstTerminal 3 } Connection { Type Signal SrcComponent "Plant" SrcTerminal 3 DstComponent "Mux" DstTerminal 4 } Annotation { Name "\nThree-phase voltage sou" "rce inverter built with TPI 8032 (open-loop)
\n(c) Imp" "erix Switzerland 2023
" Position [245, 160] } } } DemoSignature "kGgGTdNf6+jmci+GMPUqQuz5zZcaTyf9waC+osoR2cw="