Plecs { Name "boost_converter_ix" Version "4.4" CircuitModel "ContStateSpace" StartTime "0.0" StopTime "0.1" Timeout "" Solver "dopri" MaxStep "1e-3" InitStep "-1" FixedStep "5e-5" Refine "1" ZCStepSize "1e-9" RelTol "1e-3" AbsTol "-1" TurnOnThreshold "0" SyncFixedStepTasks "2" UseSingleCommonBaseRate "2" LossVariableLimitExceededMsg "3" NegativeSwitchLossMsg "3" DivisionByZeroMsg "3" StiffnessDetectionMsg "2" MaxConsecutiveZCs "1000" AlgebraicLoopWithStateMachineMsg "3" AssertionAction "1" InitializationCommands "%input parameters\nVin = 480;\nVinmax = 800;\nVout =" " 950;\n\nfc = 20e3;\nTs_fpga = 7.5e-9;\nprd = round(1/(fc * Ts_fpga));\n\nf =" " 1/(Ts_fpga*prd); %Switching frequency\nftoggle = f/400; %~50 Hz\n\nTsw = 1/f" ";\nRL = 15e-3;\ndIL = 5;\ndUL = 10;\nP = 52e3;\nIout = P/Vout;\nILrefmax = P/" "Vin;\nILrefmin = P/Vinmax;\n\n% Boost Converter design\nD = 1 - Vin/Vout;\nRl" "oad = Vout/Iout;\nL = Vin * D / dIL / f;\nC = Iout * D / dUL / f;\n\n% Initia" "l conditions\nIL0 = P/Vin;\nVC0 = Vout;\n\n% HIL simulation\nTdisc.Plant = 1e" "-6;\nTdisc.Controller = Tsw;\n\n% Controller parameters\nTsig = 3/2*Tdisc.Con" "troller;\nK1 = 1/RL;\nTn = L/RL;\nTi = 2*K1*Tsig;\nKp = Tn/Ti;\nKi = 1/Ti;\nK" "bc = Ki/Kp;\n\n% Scaling\nVout_scl = 4/Vout;\nVin_scl = 4/Vinmax;\nIL_scl = 4" "/ILrefmax;" InitialState "1" SystemState "" TaskingMode "1" TaskConfigurations "" CodeGenParameterInlining "2" CodeGenFloatingPointFormat "2" CodeGenAbsTimeUsageMsg "3" CodeGenBaseName "" CodeGenOutputDir "" CodeGenExtraOpts "" CodeGenTarget "PLECS RT Box 1" CodeGenTargetSettings "AAAAfwAAAAAWUU1hcDxRU3RyaW5nLFFTdHJpbmc+AAAAAA4AAAAeA" "HMAeQBuAGMAaAByAG8AbgBpAHoAZQBUAGkAbQBlAAAAAgAwAAAAGABzAHQAYQByAHQAdQBwAFMARg" "BQAF8ARAAAAAIAMAAAABgAcwB0AGEAcgB0AHUAcABTAEYAUABfAEMAAAACADAAAAAYAHMAdABhAHI" "AdAB1AHAAUwBGAFAAXwBCAAAAAgAwAAAAGABzAHQAYQByAHQAdQBwAFMARgBQAF8AQQAAAAIAMAAA" "ABoAcwBhAG0AcABsAGkAbgBnAEQAZQBsAGEAeQAAAAIAMAAAABgAbQBhAHgAXwBvAHYAZQByAHIAd" "QBuAHMAAAACADUAAAASAG0AYQBzAHQAZQByAFMARgBQAAAAAgAxAAAAJABkAGkAZwBpAHQAYQBsAE" "8AdQB0AHAAdQB0AEwAZQB2AGUAbAAAAAIAMQAAABwAYQBuAGEAbABvAGcAUwBhAG0AcABsAGkAbgB" "nAAAAAgAxAAAAIgBhAG4AYQBsAG8AZwBPAHUAdABwAHUAdABSAGEAbgBnAGUAAAACADEAAAAgAGEA" "bgBhAGwAbwBnAEkAbgBwAHUAdABSAGEAbgBnAGUAAAACADEAAAAaAFQAQQBSAEcARQBUAF8ARABFA" "FYASQBDAEUAAAAAAAAAGgBFAFgAVABFAFIATgBBAEwAXwBNAE8ARABFAAAAAgAx" ExtendedMatrixPrecision "1" MatrixSignificanceCheck "2" EnableStateSpaceSplitting "2" DisplayStateSpaceSplitting "1" DiscretizationMethod "2" ExternalModeSettings "AAAAfwAAAAAWUU1hcDxRU3RyaW5nLFFTdHJpbmc+AAAAAAYAAAAYAF" "QAcgBpAGcAZwBlAHIAVgBhAGwAdQBlAAAAAgAwAAAAGABUAHIAaQBnAGcAZQByAEQAZQBsAGEAeQA" "AAAIAMAAAABYAUwBlAG4AcwBpAHQAaQB2AGkAdAB5AAAAAgAwAAAAFgBSAGUAZgByAGUAcwBoAFIA" "YQB0AGUAAAAEADIAMAAAABQATgB1AG0AUwBhAG0AcABsAGUAcwAAAAYANQAwADAAAAAUAEQAZQBjA" "GkAbQBhAHQAaQBvAG4AAAACADE=" AlgebraicLoopMethod "1" AlgebraicLoopTolerance "1e-6" ScriptsDialogGeometry "" ScriptsDialogSplitterPos "0" Schematic { Location [34, 64; 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1919, 1029] State "AAAA/wAAAAD9AAAAAgAAAAEAAAC0AAACJvwCAAAAA/sAAAAQAFoAb" "wBvAG0AQQByAGUAYQAAAAAA/////wAAAIQA////+wAAABQAUwBhAHYAZQBkAFYAaQBlAHcAcwAAAA" "AA/////wAAAGYA////+wAAAAwAVAByAGEAYwBlAHMAAAAAHAAAAiYAAABmAP///wAAAAMAAAO+AAA" "AcvwBAAAAAfsAAAAUAEQAYQB0AGEAVwBpAGQAZwBlAHQBAAAAAAAAA74AAABQAP///wAAA74AAANV" "AAAABAAAAAQAAAAIAAAACPwAAAABAAAAAgAAAAEAAAAOAFQAbwBvAGwAQgBhAHIBAAAAAP////8AA" "AAAAAAAAA==" SavedViews "AAAAAgAAAAA=" HeaderState "AAAA/wAAAAAAAAABAAAAAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAL/gMAAAAJA" "AAAAwAAAGQAAAACAAAAZAAAAAUAAABkAAAABAAAAGQAAAAHAAAAZAAAAAYAAABkAAAACQAAAGQAAA" "AIAAAAZAAAAAEAAABkAAADrQAAAAsBAAABAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAZP////8AAACBAAAAAAAAAAsAAAC" "2AAAAAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAQAAAAAA" "AAAAAAAAAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAQAAA" "AAAAAL3AAAAAQAAAAAAAAPoAAAAACc=" PlotPalettes "AAAAAQAAAAEAAAABAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" "QAAAAEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAABAAAAAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" "AAAA==" Axes "3" TimeRange "0" ScrollingMode "1" SingleTimeAxis "1" Open "0" Ts "-1" SampleLimit "0" XAxisLabel "" ShowLegend "1" Axis { Name "Inductor Current" AutoScale 0 MinValue 0 MaxValue 150 Signals {} SignalTypes [ 2 ] AxisLabel "A" Untangle 0 KeepBaseline off BaselineValue 0 } Axis { Name "PWM" AutoScale 1 MinValue 0 MaxValue 1 Signals {} SignalTypes [ 2 ] Untangle 0 KeepBaseline off BaselineValue 0 } Axis { Name "Output Voltage" AutoScale 0 MinValue 0 MaxValue 1200 Signals {} SignalTypes [ 2 ] AxisLabel "V" Untangle 0 KeepBaseline off BaselineValue 0 } Fourier { SingleXAxis on AxisLabel "Frequency" Scaling 0 PhaseDisplay 0 ShowFourierLegend off Axis { Name "" AutoScale 1 MinValue 0 MaxValue 1 Signals {} Untangle 0 KeepBaseline off BaselineValue 0 } Axis { Name "" AutoScale 1 MinValue 0 MaxValue 1 Signals {} Untangle 0 KeepBaseline off BaselineValue 0 } Axis { Name "" AutoScale 1 MinValue 0 MaxValue 1 Signals {} Untangle 0 KeepBaseline off BaselineValue 0 } } } Component { Type ConfigurableSubsystem Name "M1" Show off Position [340, 115] Direction down Flipped on Frame [-25, -50; 25, 50] LabelPosition [28, 0] LabelAlign left SampleTime "-1" CodeGenDiscretizationMethod "2" CodeGenTarget "Generic" MaskType "PEB8032 module (Si-IGBT) " MaskDisplay "local function drawRectangleFull(x,y,w,h,color)\n\tIc" "on:color(221,4,45)\n\tIcon:line({x,x+w,x+w,x,x},{y,y,y+h,y+h,y})\nend\n\nloca" "l function drawMosfet(x,y)\n\tIcon:line({x, x, x-10}, {y-20, y-10, y-4})\n\tI" "con:line({x-10, x, x}, {y+4, y+10, y+20})\n\tIcon:line({x-10, x-10}, {y+10, y" "-10})\n\tIcon:line({x-14,x -14}, {y+10, y-10})\n\tIcon:line({x-14, x-20}, {y," " y}) -- gate connection\n\tIcon:line({x-5.65, x-1.667, x-3.864}, {y+8.634, y+" "9, y+5.658}) -- emitter arrow\n\tIcon:line({x, x+10, x+10}, {y-14, y-14, y-5}" ") -- diode cathode\n\tIcon:line({x+10, x+10, x+0}, {y+6, y+14, y+14})\n\tIcon" ":line({x+5, x+15}, {y-5, y-5}) -- diode bar\n\tIcon:line({x+10, x+15, x+5, x+" "10}, {y-5, y+5, y+5, y-5}) -- diode triangle\nend\n\ndrawRectangleFull(-25,-5" "0,50,100)\ndrawRectangleFull(-24,-49,48,98)\nIcon:color(0,0,0)\n\ndrawMosfet(" "0,25)\ndrawMosfet(0,-25)\n\nIcon:line({0,25},{0,0}) --Midpoint outpout\nIcon:" "line({0,0},{-10,10}) --Midpoint interconnection\nIcon:circle(0,0,1)\nIcon:lin" "e({0,0},{50,45}) -- +VCC point\nIcon:line({0,0},{-50,-45}) -- -VCC point\n\nI" "con:text(0,-65,\"PEB8032\", 'FontSize',9)" MaskDisplayLang "2" MaskIconFrame off MaskIconOpaque off MaskIconRotates on MaskInit "tau_i = 1/(300e3*2*pi)\ntau_v = 1/(30e3*2*pi)" Parameter { Variable "V0" Prompt "Initial DC bus voltage" Type FreeText Value "VC0" Show off Tunable off TabName "" } Terminal { Type Input Position [-25, 10] Direction left } Terminal { Type Output Position [29, 30] Direction right } Terminal { Type Port Position [0, -55] Direction up } Terminal { Type Port Position [0, 55] Direction down } Terminal { Type Port Position [30, 0] Direction right } Terminal { Type Output Position [29, 40] Direction right } TerminalNames { "s", "I", "VDC+", "VDC-", "AC", "V" } Location [0, 192; 543, 401] ZoomFactor 1 SliderPosition [0, 0] ShowBrowser off BrowserWidth 100 Configurations { Name "Ideal model" Schematic { Component { Type Input Name "s" Show on Position [110, 130] Direction right Flipped off Parameter { Variable "Index" Value "1" Show on } Parameter { Variable "Width" Value "2" Show off } } Component { Type Output Name "I" Show on Position [380, 45] Direction right Flipped off Parameter { Variable "Index" Value "2" Show on } Parameter { Variable "Width" Value "1" Show off } } Component { Type Port Name "AC" Show off Position [360, 100] Direction right Flipped on Parameter { Variable "Index" Value "5" Show on } Parameter { Variable "Width" Value "-1" Show off } } Component { Type Ammeter Name "Iac" Show off Position [295, 100] Direction left Flipped off } Component { Type Port Name "VDC+" Show off Position [160, 40] Direction right Flipped off Parameter { Variable "Index" Value "3" Show on } Parameter { Variable "Width" Value "-1" Show off } } Component { Type Port Name "VDC-" Show off Position [160, 170] Direction right Flipped off Parameter { Variable "Index" Value "4" Show on } Parameter { Variable "Width" Value "-1" Show off } } Component { Type SignalDemux Name "Demux" Show off Position [155, 130] Direction right Flipped on Parameter { Variable "Width" Value "2" Show off } } Component { Type Capacitor Name "C" Show on Position [190, 105] Direction up Flipped off Parameter { Variable "C" Value "130e-6" Show off } Parameter { Variable "v_init" Value "V0" Show off } } Component { Type Gain Name "Si" Show on Position [335, 45] Direction right Flipped off Parameter { Variable "K" Value "50e-3" Show off } Parameter { Variable "Multiplication" Value "1" Show off } Parameter { Variable "DataType" Value "11" Show off } } Component { Type Voltmeter Name "Vdc" Show off Position [270, 145] Direction up Flipped off } Component { Type Gain Name "Sv" Show on Position [335, 145] Direction right Flipped off Parameter { Variable "K" Value "2.5e-3" Show off } Parameter { Variable "Multiplication" Value "1" Show off } Parameter { Variable "DataType" Value "11" Show off } } Component { Type Output Name "V" Show on Position [380, 145] Direction right Flipped off Parameter { Variable "Index" Value "6" Show on } Parameter { Variable "Width" Value "1" Show off } } Component { Type MosfetWithDiode Name "S1" Show off Position [230, 75] Direction up Flipped off Parameter { Variable "Ron" Value "0" Show off } Parameter { Variable "s_init" Value "0" Show off } Parameter { Variable "thermal" Value "" Show off } Parameter { Variable "T_init" Value "0" Show off } } Component { Type MosfetWithDiode Name "S0" Show off Position [230, 135] Direction up Flipped off Parameter { Variable "Ron" Value "0" Show off } Parameter { Variable "s_init" Value "0" Show off } Parameter { Variable "thermal" Value "" Show off } Parameter { Variable "T_init" Value "0" Show off } } Connection { Type Wire SrcComponent "AC" SrcTerminal 1 DstComponent "Iac" DstTerminal 2 } Connection { Type Signal SrcComponent "s" SrcTerminal 1 DstComponent "Demux" DstTerminal 1 } Connection { Type Signal SrcComponent "Si" SrcTerminal 2 DstComponent "I" DstTerminal 1 } Connection { Type Signal SrcComponent "Iac" SrcTerminal 3 Points [295, 45] DstComponent "Si" DstTerminal 1 } Connection { Type Wire SrcComponent "VDC-" SrcTerminal 1 Points [190, 170] Branch { Points [230, 170] Branch { DstComponent "S0" DstTerminal 2 } Branch { Points [270, 170] DstComponent "Vdc" DstTerminal 2 } } Branch { DstComponent "C" DstTerminal 2 } } Connection { Type Wire SrcComponent "VDC+" SrcTerminal 1 Points [190, 40] Branch { Points [230, 40] Branch { DstComponent "S1" DstTerminal 1 } Branch { Points [270, 40] DstComponent "Vdc" DstTerminal 1 } } Branch { DstComponent "C" DstTerminal 1 } } Connection { Type Signal SrcComponent "Vdc" SrcTerminal 3 DstComponent "Sv" DstTerminal 1 } Connection { Type Signal SrcComponent "Sv" SrcTerminal 2 DstComponent "V" DstTerminal 1 } Connection { Type Signal SrcComponent "Demux" SrcTerminal 2 Points [165, 125; 165, 75] DstComponent "S1" DstTerminal 3 } Connection { Type Wire SrcComponent "Iac" SrcTerminal 1 Points [230, 100] Branch { DstComponent "S0" DstTerminal 1 } Branch { DstComponent "S1" DstTerminal 2 } } Connection { Type Signal SrcComponent "Demux" SrcTerminal 3 DstComponent "S0" DstTerminal 3 } } Name "First-order model" Schematic { Component { Type Input Name "s" Show on Position [40, 130] Direction right Flipped off Parameter { Variable "Index" Value "1" Show on } Parameter { Variable "Width" Value "2" Show off } } Component { Type Output Name "I" Show on Position [455, 45] Direction right Flipped off Parameter { Variable "Index" Value "2" Show on } Parameter { Variable "Width" Value "1" Show off } } Component { Type Port Name "AC" Show off Position [410, 100] Direction right Flipped on Parameter { Variable "Index" Value "5" Show on } Parameter { Variable "Width" Value "-1" Show off } } Component { Type Port Name "VDC+" Show off Position [80, 40] Direction right Flipped off Parameter { Variable "Index" Value "3" Show on } Parameter { Variable "Width" Value "-1" Show off } } Component { Type Port Name "VDC-" Show off Position [80, 170] Direction right Flipped off Parameter { Variable "Index" Value "4" Show on } Parameter { Variable "Width" Value "-1" Show off } } Component { Type Output Name "V" Show on Position [450, 145] Direction right Flipped off Parameter { Variable "Index" Value "6" Show on } Parameter { Variable "Width" Value "1" Show off } } Component { Type Ammeter Name "Iac" Show off Position [290, 100] Direction left Flipped off } Component { Type Capacitor Name "C" Show off Position [155, 100] Direction up Flipped off Parameter { Variable "C" Value "130e-6" Show off } Parameter { Variable "v_init" Value "V0" Show off } } Component { Type Gain Name "Si" Show on Position [330, 45] Direction right Flipped off Parameter { Variable "K" Value "50e-3" Show off } Parameter { Variable "Multiplication" Value "1" Show off } Parameter { Variable "DataType" Value "11" Show off } } Component { Type Voltmeter Name "Vdc" Show off Position [265, 145] Direction up Flipped off } Component { Type Gain Name "Sv" Show on Position [330, 145] Direction right Flipped off Parameter { Variable "K" Value "2.5e-3" Show off } Parameter { Variable "Multiplication" Value "1" Show off } Parameter { Variable "DataType" Value "11" Show off } } Component { Type MosfetWithDiode Name "S1" Show off Position [200, 75] Direction up Flipped off Parameter { Variable "Ron" Value "80e-3" Show off } Parameter { Variable "s_init" Value "0" Show off } Parameter { Variable "thermal" Value "" Show off } Parameter { Variable "T_init" Value "0" Show off } } Component { Type MosfetWithDiode Name "S0" Show off Position [200, 135] Direction up Flipped off Parameter { Variable "Ron" Value "80e-3" Show off } Parameter { Variable "s_init" Value "0" Show off } Parameter { Variable "thermal" Value "" Show off } Parameter { Variable "T_init" Value "0" Show off } } Component { Type SignalDemux Name "Demux" Show off Position [90, 130] Direction right Flipped on Parameter { Variable "Width" Value "2" Show off } } Component { Type Resistor Name "ESR" Show off Position [155, 140] Direction up Flipped off Parameter { Variable "R" Value "100e-3" Show off } } Component { Type Resistor Name "ESR1" Show off Position [125, 105] Direction up Flipped off Parameter { Variable "R" Value "10e6" Show off } } Component { Type Resistor Name "ESR2" Show off Position [360, 100] Direction right Flipped off Parameter { Variable "R" Value "10e-3" Show off } } Component { Type TransferFunction Name "LPF1" Show off Position [390, 45] Direction right Flipped off Frame [-30, -15; 30, 15] LabelPosition [0, 18] LabelAlign up Parameter { Variable "Numerator" Value "[1]" Show off } Parameter { Variable "Denominator" Value "[tau_i 1]" Show off } Parameter { Variable "X0" Value "0" Show off } } Component { Type TransferFunction Name "LPF0" Show off Position [390, 145] Direction right Flipped off Frame [-30, -15; 30, 15] LabelPosition [0, 18] LabelAlign up Parameter { Variable "Numerator" Value "[1]" Show off } Parameter { Variable "Denominator" Value "[tau_v 1]" Show off } Parameter { Variable "X0" Value "0" Show off } } Connection { Type Signal SrcComponent "Iac" SrcTerminal 3 Points [290, 45] DstComponent "Si" DstTerminal 1 } Connection { Type Wire SrcComponent "C" SrcTerminal 1 Points [155, 40] Branch { Points [200, 40] Branch { DstComponent "S1" DstTerminal 1 } Branch { Points [235, 40] Branch { Points [265, 40] DstComponent "Vdc" DstTerminal 1 } Branch { Points [235, 65] } } } Branch { Points [125, 40] Branch { DstComponent "VDC+" DstTerminal 1 } Branch { DstComponent "ESR1" DstTerminal 1 } } } Connection { Type Signal SrcComponent "Vdc" SrcTerminal 3 DstComponent "Sv" DstTerminal 1 } Connection { Type Wire SrcComponent "S0" SrcTerminal 2 Points [200, 170] Branch { Points [155, 170] Branch { Points [125, 170] Branch { DstComponent "VDC-" DstTerminal 1 } Branch { DstComponent "ESR1" DstTerminal 2 } } Branch { DstComponent "ESR" DstTerminal 2 } } Branch { Points [235, 170] Branch { Points [265, 170] DstComponent "Vdc" DstTerminal 2 } Branch { Points [235, 145] } } } Connection { Type Signal SrcComponent "Demux" SrcTerminal 2 Points [100, 125; 100, 75] DstComponent "S1" DstTerminal 3 } Connection { Type Signal SrcComponent "s" SrcTerminal 1 DstComponent "Demux" DstTerminal 1 } Connection { Type Signal SrcComponent "Demux" SrcTerminal 3 DstComponent "S0" DstTerminal 3 } Connection { Type Wire SrcComponent "ESR" SrcTerminal 1 DstComponent "C" DstTerminal 2 } Connection { Type Wire SrcComponent "S1" SrcTerminal 2 Points [200, 100] Branch { Points [235, 100] Branch { Points [235, 100] Branch { DstComponent "Iac" DstTerminal 1 } Branch { Points [235, 125] } } Branch { Points [235, 85] } } Branch { DstComponent "S0" DstTerminal 1 } } Connection { Type Wire SrcComponent "Iac" SrcTerminal 2 DstComponent "ESR2" DstTerminal 2 } Connection { Type Wire SrcComponent "ESR2" SrcTerminal 1 DstComponent "AC" DstTerminal 1 } Connection { Type Signal SrcComponent "Si" SrcTerminal 2 DstComponent "LPF1" DstTerminal 1 } Connection { Type Signal SrcComponent "LPF1" SrcTerminal 2 DstComponent "I" DstTerminal 1 } Connection { Type Signal SrcComponent "Sv" SrcTerminal 2 DstComponent "LPF0" DstTerminal 1 } Connection { Type Signal SrcComponent "LPF0" SrcTerminal 2 DstComponent "V" DstTerminal 1 } } Name "Losses model" Schematic { Component { Type Input Name "s" Show on Position [110, 130] Direction right Flipped off Parameter { Variable "Index" Value "1" Show on } Parameter { Variable "Width" Value "2" Show off } } Component { Type Output Name "I" Show on Position [390, 45] Direction right Flipped off Parameter { Variable "Index" Value "2" Show on } Parameter { Variable "Width" Value "1" Show off } } Component { Type Port Name "AC" Show off Position [370, 100] Direction right Flipped on Parameter { Variable "Index" Value "5" Show on } Parameter { Variable "Width" Value "-1" Show off } } Component { Type Port Name "VDC+" Show off Position [160, 40] Direction right Flipped off Parameter { Variable "Index" Value "3" Show on } Parameter { Variable "Width" Value "-1" Show off } } Component { Type Port Name "VDC-" Show off Position [160, 170] Direction right Flipped off Parameter { Variable "Index" Value "4" Show on } Parameter { Variable "Width" Value "-1" Show off } } Component { Type Output Name "V" Show on Position [390, 145] Direction right Flipped off Parameter { Variable "Index" Value "6" Show on } Parameter { Variable "Width" Value "1" Show off } } Component { Type Ammeter Name "Iac" Show off Position [300, 100] Direction left Flipped off } Component { Type SignalDemux Name "Demux" Show off Position [160, 130] Direction right Flipped on Parameter { Variable "Width" Value "2" Show off } } Component { Type Capacitor Name "C" Show on Position [195, 105] Direction up Flipped off Parameter { Variable "C" Value "130e-6" Show off } Parameter { Variable "v_init" Value "V0" Show off } } Component { Type Gain Name "Si" Show on Position [340, 45] Direction right Flipped off Parameter { Variable "K" Value "50e-3" Show off } Parameter { Variable "Multiplication" Value "1" Show off } Parameter { Variable "DataType" Value "11" Show off } } Component { Type Voltmeter Name "Vdc" Show off Position [275, 145] Direction up Flipped off } Component { Type Gain Name "Sv" Show on Position [340, 145] Direction right Flipped off Parameter { Variable "K" Value "2.5e-3" Show off } Parameter { Variable "Multiplication" Value "1" Show off } Parameter { Variable "DataType" Value "11" Show off } } Component { Type MosfetWithDiode Name "S1" Show off Position [235, 75] Direction up Flipped off Parameter { Variable "Ron" Value "0" Show off } Parameter { Variable "s_init" Value "0" Show off } Parameter { Variable "thermal" Value "ref:file:/thermal/C2M0080120D" Show off } Parameter { Variable "T_init" Value "0" Show off } } Component { Type MosfetWithDiode Name "S0" Show off Position [235, 135] Direction up Flipped off Parameter { Variable "Ron" Value "0" Show off } Parameter { Variable "s_init" Value "0" Show off } Parameter { Variable "thermal" Value "ref:file:/thermal/C2M0080120D" Show off } Parameter { Variable "T_init" Value "0" Show off } } Connection { Type Signal SrcComponent "Iac" SrcTerminal 3 Points [300, 45] DstComponent "Si" DstTerminal 1 } Connection { Type Wire SrcComponent "C" SrcTerminal 2 Points [195, 170] Branch { Points [235, 170] Branch { DstComponent "S0" DstTerminal 2 } Branch { Points [275, 170] DstComponent "Vdc" DstTerminal 2 } } Branch { DstComponent "VDC-" DstTerminal 1 } } Connection { Type Wire SrcComponent "C" SrcTerminal 1 Points [195, 40] Branch { Points [235, 40] Branch { DstComponent "S1" DstTerminal 1 } Branch { Points [275, 40] DstComponent "Vdc" DstTerminal 1 } } Branch { DstComponent "VDC+" DstTerminal 1 } } Connection { Type Signal SrcComponent "Vdc" SrcTerminal 3 DstComponent "Sv" DstTerminal 1 } Connection { Type Signal SrcComponent "Demux" SrcTerminal 2 Points [170, 125; 170, 75] DstComponent "S1" DstTerminal 3 } Connection { Type Wire SrcComponent "Iac" SrcTerminal 1 Points [235, 100] Branch { DstComponent "S0" DstTerminal 1 } Branch { DstComponent "S1" DstTerminal 2 } } Connection { Type Signal SrcComponent "Demux" SrcTerminal 3 DstComponent "S0" DstTerminal 3 } Connection { Type Signal SrcComponent "s" SrcTerminal 1 DstComponent "Demux" DstTerminal 1 } Connection { Type Signal SrcComponent "Si" SrcTerminal 2 DstComponent "I" DstTerminal 1 } Connection { Type Wire SrcComponent "Iac" SrcTerminal 2 DstComponent "AC" DstTerminal 1 } Connection { Type Signal SrcComponent "Sv" SrcTerminal 2 DstComponent "V" DstTerminal 1 } } } Parameter { Variable "Configuration" Value "1" Show off } MaskProbe { Name "Gate signals" Probe { Component "s" Path "Ideal model" Signals {"Output"} } Probe { Component "s" Path "First-order model" Signals {"Output"} } Probe { Component "s" Path "Losses model" Signals {"Output"} } } } Component { Type SignalMux Name "Mux" Show off Position [385, 125] Direction right Flipped on Parameter { Variable "Width" Value "2" Show off } } Component { Type Constant Name "cst" Show off Position [425, 105] Direction right Flipped on Frame [-10, -10; 10, 10] LabelPosition [0, 13] LabelAlign up Parameter { Variable "Value" Value "0" Show off } Parameter { Variable "DataType" Value "10" Show off } } Component { Type Reference SrcComponent "PLECSRTBoxLib/Analog Out1" Name "Module" Show on Position [250, 150] Direction down Flipped on Frame [-25, -20; 25, 20] LabelPosition [0, 23] LabelAlign up Parameter { Variable "channel" Value "[0 1]" Show off } Parameter { Variable "scale" Value "[1 1]" Show off } Parameter { Variable "offset" Value "[ 0 0]" Show off } Parameter { Variable "minOutput" Value "" Show off } Parameter { Variable "maxOutput" Value "" Show off } Parameter { Variable "TargetPortIndices" Value "3" Show off } Terminal { Type Input Position [-25, 0] Direction left } } Component { Type ConfigurableSubsystem Name "V0" Show off Position [105, 150] Direction up Flipped off Frame [-10, -15; 10, 15] LabelPosition [-13, 0] LabelAlign right SampleTime "-1" CodeGenDiscretizationMethod "2" CodeGenTarget "Generic" MaskType "DIN 800V voltage sensor" MaskDisplay "Icon:color(221,4,45)\nIcon:circle(0,0,9)\nIcon:circle" "(0,0,10)\n\nIcon:color(0,0,0)\nIcon:line({0,0}, {-20,-10})\nIcon:line({0,0}, " "{20,10})\n\nIcon:line({2,6}, {-15,-15})\nIcon:line({4,4}, {-13,-17})\n\nIcon:" "text(0,-0.,\"V\", 'FontSize',11)" MaskDisplayLang "2" MaskIconFrame off MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotates on MaskInit "tau = 1/(100e3*2*pi)" Terminal { Type Output Position [14, 0] Direction right } Terminal { Type Port Position [0, -20] Direction up } Terminal { Type Port Position [0, 20] Direction down } TerminalNames { "M", "In", "Out" } Location [632, 343; 1012, 530] ZoomFactor 1 SliderPosition [0, 0] ShowBrowser off BrowserWidth 100 Configurations { Name "Ideal model" Schematic { Component { Type Output Name "M" Show on Position [290, 90] Direction right Flipped off Parameter { Variable "Index" Value "1" Show on } Parameter { Variable "Width" Value "1" Show off } } Component { Type Gain Name "Si" Show on Position [220, 90] Direction right Flipped off Parameter { Variable "K" Value "2.46e-3" Show off } Parameter { Variable "Multiplication" Value "1" Show off } Parameter { Variable "DataType" Value "11" Show off } } Component { Type Port Name "In" Show on Position [165, 45] Direction down Flipped off Parameter { Variable "Index" Value "2" Show on } Parameter { Variable "Width" Value "-1" Show off } } Component { Type Port Name "Out" Show on Position [165, 140] Direction down Flipped on Parameter { Variable "Index" Value "3" Show on } Parameter { Variable "Width" Value "-1" Show off } } Component { Type Voltmeter Name "Voltmeter" Show on Position [165, 90] Direction up Flipped off } Connection { Type Signal SrcComponent "Voltmeter" SrcTerminal 3 DstComponent "Si" DstTerminal 1 } Connection { Type Signal SrcComponent "Si" SrcTerminal 2 DstComponent "M" DstTerminal 1 } Connection { Type Wire SrcComponent "In" SrcTerminal 1 DstComponent "Voltmeter" DstTerminal 1 } Connection { Type Wire SrcComponent "Out" SrcTerminal 1 DstComponent "Voltmeter" DstTerminal 2 } } Name "First-order model" Schematic { Component { Type Output Name "M" Show on Position [305, 90] Direction right Flipped off Parameter { Variable "Index" Value "1" Show on } Parameter { Variable "Width" Value "1" Show off } } Component { Type Port Name "In" Show on Position [130, 45] Direction down Flipped off Parameter { Variable "Index" Value "2" Show on } Parameter { Variable "Width" Value "-1" Show off } } Component { Type Port Name "Out" Show on Position [130, 135] Direction up Flipped off Parameter { Variable "Index" Value "3" Show on } Parameter { Variable "Width" Value "-1" Show off } } Component { Type TransferFunction Name "LPF1" Show off Position [245, 90] Direction right Flipped off Frame [-30, -15; 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1706, 813] ZoomFactor 1 SliderPosition [0, 0] ShowBrowser off BrowserWidth 100 Component { Type Integrator Name "Integrator" Show off Position [270, 120] Direction right Flipped off Parameter { Variable "ExternalReset" Value "5" Show off } Parameter { Variable "InitialConditionSource" Value "1" Show off } Parameter { Variable "x0" Value "0" Show off } Parameter { Variable "ShowStatePort" Value "1" Show off } Parameter { Variable "UpperLimit" Value "inf" Show off } Parameter { Variable "LowerLimit" Value "-inf" Show off } } Component { Type Gain Name "Kp" Show off Position [140, 75] Direction right Flipped off Parameter { Variable "K" Value "Kp" Show off } Parameter { Variable "Multiplication" Value "1" Show off } Parameter { Variable "DataType" Value "11" Show off } } Component { Type Gain Name "Ki" Show off Position [140, 115] Direction right Flipped off Parameter { Variable "K" Value "Ki" Show off } Parameter { Variable "Multiplication" Value "1" Show off } Parameter { Variable "DataType" Value "11" Show off } } Component { Type Sum Name "Sum" Show off Position [85, 115] Direction up Flipped off Parameter { Variable "IconShape" Value "2" Show off } Parameter { Variable "Inputs" Value "|+-" Show off } Parameter { Variable "DataType" Value "11" Show off } } Component { Type Input Name "Iref*" Show on Position [40, 115] Direction right Flipped off Parameter { Variable "Index" Value "1" Show on } Parameter { Variable "Width" Value "-1" Show off } } Component { Type Input Name "Il" Show on Position [40, 155] Direction right Flipped off Parameter { Variable "Index" Value "2" Show on } Parameter { Variable "Width" Value "-1" Show off } } Component { Type Output Name "Vsw*" Show on Position [470, 120] Direction right Flipped off Parameter { Variable "Index" Value "3" Show on } Parameter { Variable "Width" Value "-1" Show off } } Component { Type Sum Name "Sum1" Show off Position [315, 120] Direction up Flipped off Parameter { Variable "IconShape" Value "2" Show off } Parameter { Variable "Inputs" Value "++|" Show off } Parameter { Variable "DataType" Value "11" Show off } } Component { Type Sum Name "Sum2" Show off Position [355, 120] Direction up Flipped off Parameter { Variable "IconShape" Value "2" Show off } Parameter { Variable "Inputs" Value "+-|" Show off } Parameter { Variable "DataType" Value "11" Show off } } Component { Type Input Name "Vin" Show on Position [40, 50] Direction right Flipped off Parameter { Variable "Index" Value "4" Show on } Parameter { Variable "Width" Value "-1" Show off } } Component { Type Input Name "rst" Show on Position [210, 145] Direction right Flipped off Parameter { Variable "Index" Value "5" Show on } Parameter { Variable "Width" Value "-1" Show off } } Component { Type Saturation Name "Saturation" Show off Position [410, 120] Direction right Flipped off Parameter { Variable "UpperLimit" Value "Limit(2)" Show off } Parameter { Variable "LowerLimit" Value "Limit(1)" Show off } } Component { Type Sum Name "Sum3" Show off Position [375, 175] Direction down Flipped off Parameter { Variable "IconShape" Value "2" Show off } Parameter { Variable "Inputs" Value "|-+" Show off } Parameter { Variable "DataType" Value "11" Show off } } Component { Type Gain Name "Gain2" Show off Position [245, 175] Direction right Flipped on Parameter { Variable "K" Value "Kbc" Show off } Parameter { Variable "Multiplication" Value "1" Show off } Parameter { Variable "DataType" Value "11" Show off } } Component { Type Sum Name "Sum4" Show off Position [185, 115] Direction up Flipped off Parameter { Variable "IconShape" Value "2" Show off } Parameter { Variable "Inputs" Value "|+-" Show off } Parameter { Variable "DataType" Value "11" Show off } } Connection { Type Signal SrcComponent "rst" SrcTerminal 1 Points [235, 145; 235, 125] DstComponent "Integrator" DstTerminal 3 } Connection { Type Signal SrcComponent "Il" SrcTerminal 1 Points [85, 155] DstComponent "Sum" DstTerminal 3 } Connection { Type Signal SrcComponent "Integrator" SrcTerminal 2 DstComponent "Sum1" DstTerminal 3 } Connection { Type Signal SrcComponent "Iref*" SrcTerminal 1 DstComponent "Sum" DstTerminal 2 } Connection { Type Signal SrcComponent "Sum1" SrcTerminal 1 DstComponent "Sum2" DstTerminal 3 } Connection { Type Signal SrcComponent "Sum2" SrcTerminal 1 Points [375, 120] Branch { DstComponent "Saturation" DstTerminal 1 } Branch { DstComponent "Sum3" DstTerminal 3 } } Connection { Type Signal SrcComponent "Sum3" SrcTerminal 1 DstComponent "Gain2" DstTerminal 1 } Connection { Type Signal SrcComponent "Ki" SrcTerminal 2 DstComponent "Sum4" DstTerminal 2 } Connection { Type Signal SrcComponent "Sum4" SrcTerminal 1 DstComponent "Integrator" DstTerminal 1 } Connection { Type Signal SrcComponent "Vin" SrcTerminal 1 Points [355, 50] DstComponent "Sum2" DstTerminal 2 } Connection { Type Signal SrcComponent "Kp" SrcTerminal 2 Points [315, 75] DstComponent "Sum1" DstTerminal 2 } Connection { Type Signal SrcComponent "Gain2" SrcTerminal 2 Points [185, 175] DstComponent "Sum4" DstTerminal 3 } Connection { Type Signal SrcComponent "Sum" SrcTerminal 1 Points [105, 115] Branch { DstComponent "Ki" DstTerminal 1 } Branch { Points [105, 75] DstComponent "Kp" DstTerminal 1 } } Connection { Type Signal SrcComponent "Saturation" SrcTerminal 2 Points [440, 120] Branch { DstComponent "Vsw*" DstTerminal 1 } Branch { Points [440, 175] DstComponent "Sum3" DstTerminal 2 } } } } Component { Type Subsystem Name "D" Show on Position [470, 175] Direction up Flipped off Frame [-20, -20; 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10, 10] LabelPosition [0, 13] LabelAlign up Parameter { Variable "name" Value "Default_d" Show off Evaluate off } Parameter { Variable "initial_value" Value "0.6" Show off } Parameter { Variable "sim_output" Value "1" Show off } Parameter { Variable "step_time" Value "[1 2]" Show off } Parameter { Variable "step_data" Value "[0 1]" Show off } Parameter { Variable "TargetPortIndices" Value "" Show off } Terminal { Type Output Position [14, 0] Direction right } } Component { Type ControlTaskTrigger Name "Control Task Trigger" Show on Position [140, 25] Direction left Flipped on Parameter { Variable "CodeFcn" Value "if (Target.Family ~= \"Imperix Controllers\") then" "\n return 'This block is not compatible with the selected target family (\"%" "s\")' % {Target.Family}\nend\n\nreturn {\n}" Show off } } Component { Type Input Name "ref" Show on Position [50, 145] Direction right Flipped off Parameter { Variable "Index" Value "5" Show on } Parameter { Variable "DataType" Value "10" Show off } Parameter { Variable "Width" Value "-1" Show off } } Component { Type Reference SrcComponent "Imperix_Control/Probe variable" Name "Probe variable2" Show off Position [310, 230] Direction up Flipped off Frame [-10, -10; 10, 10] LabelPosition [0, 13] LabelAlign up Parameter { Variable "name" Value "Il" Show off Evaluate off } Parameter { Variable "TargetPortIndices" Value "" Show off } Terminal { Type Input Position [-10, 0] Direction left } } Component { Type Reference SrcComponent "Imperix_Control/Configuration" Name "Configuration" Show on Position [50, 40] Direction up Flipped off Frame [-30, -30; 30, 30] LabelPosition [0, 33] LabelAlign up Parameter { Variable "clock_freq" Value "f" Show off } Parameter { Variable "phase" Value "0.5" Show off } Parameter { Variable "postscaler" Value "0" Show off } Parameter { Variable "cycle_delay" Value "5e-6" Show off } Parameter { Variable "TargetPortIndices" Value "" Show off } Terminal { Type EventOutput Position [34, -15] Direction right } Terminal { Type EventOutput Position [34, 5] Direction right } Terminal { Type EventOutput Position [34, -5] Direction right } } Connection { Type Signal SrcComponent "Tunable parameter2" SrcTerminal 1 Points [515, 125; 515, 165] DstComponent "Switch" DstTerminal 2 } Connection { Type Signal SrcComponent "D" SrcTerminal 3 DstComponent "Switch" DstTerminal 3 } Connection { Type Signal SrcComponent "Mux" SrcTerminal 1 DstComponent "Goto" DstTerminal 1 } Connection { Type Signal SrcComponent "Tunable parameter1" SrcTerminal 1 Points [370, 75] Branch { Points [550, 75] DstComponent "Switch" DstTerminal 4 } Branch { DstComponent "PI Controller" DstTerminal 5 } } Connection { Type Signal SrcComponent "From" SrcTerminal 1 DstComponent "Scope" DstTerminal 1 } Connection { Type Signal SrcComponent "ref" SrcTerminal 1 Points [260, 145] Branch { DstComponent "PI Controller" DstTerminal 1 } Branch { Points [260, 100] DstComponent "Mux" DstTerminal 3 } } Connection { Type Signal SrcComponent "PI Controller" SrcTerminal 3 DstComponent "D" DstTerminal 1 } Connection { Type Signal SrcComponent "Vout" SrcTerminal 1 Points [285, 315] Branch { DstComponent "Saturation" DstTerminal 1 } Branch { DstComponent "Probe variable1" DstTerminal 1 } } Connection { Type Signal SrcComponent "Il" SrcTerminal 1 DstComponent "Gain" DstTerminal 1 } Connection { Type Signal SrcComponent "Vin" SrcTerminal 1 Points [280, 260] Branch { DstComponent "Probe variable" DstTerminal 1 } Branch { Points [280, 185] DstComponent "PI Controller" DstTerminal 4 } } Connection { Type Signal SrcComponent "Gain" SrcTerminal 2 Points [270, 190] Branch { Points [270, 165] Branch { Points [270, 110] DstComponent "Mux" DstTerminal 2 } Branch { DstComponent "PI Controller" DstTerminal 2 } } Branch { Points [270, 230] DstComponent "Probe variable2" DstTerminal 1 } } Connection { Type Signal SrcComponent "Switch" SrcTerminal 1 Points [580, 170] Branch { DstComponent "PWM" DstTerminal 1 } Branch { Points [580, 305] DstComponent "Scope" DstTerminal 2 } } Connection { Type Signal SrcComponent "Saturation" SrcTerminal 2 Points [425, 315] Branch { DstComponent "Scope" DstTerminal 3 } Branch { Points [425, 185] DstComponent "D" DstTerminal 2 } } Connection { Type Event SrcComponent "Configuration" SrcTerminal 1 DstComponent "Control Task Trigger" DstTerminal 1 } Connection { Type Event SrcComponent "Configuration" SrcTerminal 3 Points [600, 35; 600, 200] DstComponent "PWM" DstTerminal 4 } Connection { Type Event SrcComponent "Configuration" SrcTerminal 2 Points [110, 45; 110, 205] Branch { DstComponent "Il" DstTerminal 2 } Branch { Points [110, 275] Branch { DstComponent "Vin" DstTerminal 2 } Branch { Points [110, 330] DstComponent "Vout" DstTerminal 2 } } } } } Component { Type PulseGenerator Name "Iref" Show on Position [20, 65] Direction left Flipped on Parameter { Variable "Hi" Value "ILrefmax" Show off } Parameter { Variable "Lo" Value "ILrefmin" Show off } Parameter { Variable "f" Value "ftoggle" Show off } Parameter { Variable "DutyCycle" Value "0.5" Show off } Parameter { Variable "Delay" Value "1/ftoggle/2*1.025" Show off } Parameter { Variable "DataType" Value "10" Show off } } Component { Type SignalDemux Name "Demux" Show off Position [395, 95] Direction right Flipped on Parameter { Variable "Width" Value "2" Show off } } Connection { Type Signal SrcComponent "Plant" SrcTerminal 3 DstComponent "Demux" DstTerminal 1 } Connection { Type Signal SrcComponent "Controller" SrcTerminal 4 DstComponent "Plant" DstTerminal 1 } Connection { Type Signal SrcComponent "Demux" SrcTerminal 2 Points [420, 90; 420, 170; 55, 170; 55, 100] DstComponent "Controller" DstTerminal 3 } Connection { Type Signal SrcComponent "Demux" SrcTerminal 3 Points [405, 100; 405, 155; 70, 155; 70, 115] DstComponent "Controller" DstTerminal 1 } Connection { Type Signal SrcComponent "Plant" SrcTerminal 2 Points [435, 75; 435, 185; 40, 185; 40, 85] DstComponent "Controller" DstTerminal 2 } Connection { Type Signal SrcComponent "Iref" SrcTerminal 1 DstComponent "Controller" DstTerminal 5 } Annotation { Name "Boost converter system deployable on imperix B-Box RCP an" "d PLECS RT Box" Position [240, 25] } Annotation { Name "This model file has been adapted from PLECS code examples" Position [230, 210] } } ProbeBlock { Tag "boost_converter_ix/Plant/Probe" Probe { Component "L" Path "Plant" Signals {"Inductor current"} } Probe { Component "M1" Path "Plant" Signals {"Gate signals"} } Probe { Component "Cout" Path "Plant" Signals {"Capacitor voltage"} } Probe { Component "V0" Path "Plant" Signals {"True voltage value"} } } } DemoSignature "QwJ+wH7FHmvIL2oVFLrWytnO3Rfat1IyFlt/PEOapCU="