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Fail-safe modular control platform for power electronic applications in R&D environments
Nicolas Cherix, Simon Delalay, Philippe Barrade, Alfred Rufer
2013 15th European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications (EPE)
This paper presents a modular control platform which is tailored for teaching and research applications. It aims at being entirely “student-proof” and features software-independent safety mechanisms, extensive signal conditioning and easy-to-use interfaces, dedicated to power electronics. A practical example with various HIL simulation results illustrates the attractiveness of the presented platform.
Control of a modular DC-DC converter dedicated to energy storage
Philippe Barrade, Emilien Coulinge, Alfred Rufer
2015 17th European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications (EPE'15 ECCE-Europe)
A DC-DC converter system is presented based on an Input-Series/Output-Parallel Dual Active Bridge structure, in a full modular design. The association of 4 elementary modules leads to a one stage DAB. The proposed converter is dedicated to interface a DC-voltage network with a battery based energy storage device. The paper aims to define and test a suited control strategy able to equalize the power flow in the two channels. The control is established using the Energetic Macroscopic Representation and the associated Inversion Based Control. The modelling method for elaborating the control is presented, together with experimental results.
B-Box, Power modules
Comparison of Multistage Stacked Boost Architecture Topologies in Regards of the Relation between Duty Cycle, Number of Stages and Efficiency
Gina K. Steinke, Alfred Rufer
IECON 2015 - 41st Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society
A step-up DC-DC converter (non-isolated) based on the current diverter principle is shown. This converter is intended for renewable energy sources or distribution networks for elevating the voltage from LV to MV levels. The relationship of stage number, duty cycle and efficiency is analyzed. In addition first measurement results with a low voltage prototype are shown.
Power modules
Dead time and non-linearities compensation for CHB multi-level converters with integrated ESS feeding EV’s ultra-fast charging stations
U. Abronzini, C. Attaianese, M. D'Arpino, M. Di Monaco, A. Rufer, G. Tomasso
2016 International Conference on Electrical Systems for Aircraft, Railway, Ship Propulsion and Road Vehicles & International Transportation Electrification Conference (ESARS-ITEC)
This paper deals with a compensation technique for non-linear behaviour of single phase modular multi-level power converter, feeding electric vehicle fast charging station with split integrated energy storage system. The proposed method calculates the voltage compensation on the basis of the error between the reference and the real currents. It allows highly improving the harmonic content of the grid current in steady-state conditions within a single period of fundamental.
University of Cassino
B-Box, Power modules
Feed-Forward-based Control in a DC–DC Converter of Asymmetric Multistage-Stacked Boost Architecture
Georgios Mademlis, Gina K. Steinke, Alfred Rufer
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics
A new feed-forward control technique for a dc-dc step-up converter based on the asymmetric multistage stacked boost architecture (MSBA) is proposed. The developed feed-forward controller directly handles the load current and the perturbations that may be caused by the dynamic operation of the converter. Thus, there is no time delay for estimating the error in a control process, and therefore, both robust steady-state operation and high dynamic performance can be achieved. The asymmetric MSBA dc-dc converter is a single-output high-voltage topology that embodies several in-series active voltage-balancing circuits. Thus, there is a need for an improved balancing control method. This can be accomplished by replacing the conventional proportional-integral controllers with feed-forward type and therefore improved balancing between the stages can be attained, because the steady-state errors are suppressed and the dynamic response can be enhanced. A thorough theoretical analysis is conducted for verifying the stability of the suggested feed-forward control technique in an asymmetric MSBA converter, and selective simulation and experimental results are demonstrated in order to validate the effectiveness and feasibility of the proposed control scheme.
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
B-Box, Power modules
DC-DC Converter based on the Asymmetric Multistage Stacked Boost Architecture with Feed-Forward Control for Photovoltaic Plants
Georgios Mademlis, Gina K. Steinke, Alfred Rufer
PCIM Europe 2016; International Exhibition and Conference for Power Electronics, Intelligent Motion, Renewable Energy and Energy Management
A new feed-forward control technique for a DC-DC step-up converter based on the asymmetric Multistage Stacked Boost Architecture (MSBA) is presented in this paper. The proposed closed loop control scheme can provide improved accuracy in the steady-state operation and high dynamic performance. The asymmetric MSBA converter is a single output high-voltage DC-DC step-up converter that comprises several in-series connected capacitors with active voltage balancing circuits. The converter can attain high voltage ratios and thus, it is a suitable solution for the high voltage transmission requirements of the large photovoltaic (PV) plants. Selective simulation and experimental results are presented in order to validate the effectiveness and the operational improvements of the proposed control system.
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
B-Box, Power modules
Input-series and output-series high voltage converter with active balancing circuit for N-1 operation
Nabais Lima Tiago, Alfred Rufer
2016 18th European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications (EPE'16 ECCE Europe)
An input-series/output-series converter dedicated to high power applications is presented. The converter is composed of plural MF transformers based on DC-DC sub-converters. The series connection allows reaching input-voltage levels in the range of several tens or hundreds of kV. The power level can be increased by modularity, even if the size of one MF transformer is generally limited by the size of the available magnetic cores. Each sub-converter has at its primary side a 3-Level Half-Bridge inverter that generates the MF intermediary voltage. The output circuit of each sub-converter is a simple diode rectifier. The series input circuit is completed by an active balancing circuit which allows the N-1 operation of the installed channels with unmodified input voltage conditions. The paper presents the new topology together with the adopted control structure. The performance of the proposed architecture and its possible mode of operation with one or more disabled sub-converters is verified with a small-scale demonstrator.
B-Box, Power modules
Reconnaissance de signatures énergétiques dans les micro-réseaux
Daniel Siemaszko
The future of distribution networks tends to include more and more computational power, embedded intelligence and smart metering on the high voltage level as well as the low voltage micro-grids. Several hardware solutions appeared to implement the so-called smart grids with measurement devices delivering data about the state of networks on various levels. This work introduces the use of a specific energetic signature for power converters in order to be able to get information on consumption profiles in a non-invasive manner in a residential area where prosumers generate their own energy with photovoltaic cells on their roofs. Technically speaking, the switching elements of power converters inject several harmonics which can be controlled in such a way that information can be transmitted to measurement devices. A simulated residential grid with several loads and PV converters has been run real-time with 1us sampled data, for being able to retrieve information through data mining methods. A dedicated controller for two power converters has been implemented in such a way that users can be differentiated by looking at the harmonic content of both current and voltage at the point of common coupling.
Energetic Macroscopic Representation (EMR) and control scheme for the asymmetric 4-stage MSBA
Gina K. Steinke, Alfred Rufer
PCIM Europe 2016; International Exhibition and Conference for Power Electronics, Intelligent Motion, Renewable Energy and Energy Management
The Multistage Stacked Boost Architecture is a step-up converter topology intended for renewable energy generation systems or distribution networks. This paper concentrates on the Energetic Macroscopic Representation of this topology and the simulation of this representation as well as showing a functional control and a working prototype.
B-Box, Power modules
Control method and prototyping of the Multistage Stacked Boost Architecture (MSBA)
Gina K. Steinke, Alfred Rufer
2016 18th European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications (EPE'16 ECCE Europe)
This paper includes a look into the resonant phenomena of the Multistage Stacked Boost Architecture and a dedicated control method for the MSBA converter to handle these resonances. A linearized fast feed-forward control relying on the feedback of the output current was implemented for the boost stage and the MSBA stages. This was verified by simulations as well as measurements with a low voltage prototype.